Serving Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Montana, Nevada & Idaho

Florida Auto Care Alliance

Northwest Auto Care Alliance is partnering with FLACA to bring you trainings. 

Serving Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Montana, Nevada & Idaho

Florida Auto Care Alliance

Northwest Auto Care Alliance is partnering with FLACA to bring you trainings. 

Florida Auto Care Alliance

Northwest Auto Care Alliance is partnering with FLACA to bring you trainings. 

Florida Auto Care Alliance – FLACA| Accelerate Conference

Two day event |October 11-12, 2024 | Wyndham Lake Buena Vista Disney Springs

More Information: | (772) 247-4714

Attendee Pricing:

FLACA or ACA Members                                        $ 349.00

Non Members                                                          $ 399.00

Early Bird -Before August 21,2024

Members                                                                   $ 319.00

Non Members                                                          $ 369.00

Pricing Includes Training Sessions, Meals, Breaks, Reception and Trade Show.

**Cancellations accepted up to Sept 7, 2024, @ $ 40.00 processing fee. No refunds will be granted after September 7, 2024. Name substitutions will be accepted.

Class & Training Schedule:

Friday, October 11th

1:00 – 4:30 pm Afternoon Sessions:

FM-01 Finding and Creating Social Media Content to Help Your Customers Know, Like and Trust You– Caroline Legrand | Shop Marketing Pros

FM-02 The Shop Owners Guide to Growing Your Service Advisor- Rick White | 180BIZ

FM-03 From Chaos to Clarity: Enhanced Communication for Auto Repair Shops – Sara Fraser | Auto Ignite Management

FM-04 How to Lose Your Business in 3 Weeks & What Can NASTF Do For You?– Donny Seyfer | NASTF

FT-01 Variable Valve Timing: Fundamentals & Diagnostic Processes- Eric Ziegler

FT-02 A Streamlined Approach To Diagnostic Dilemmas-  Brandon Steckler

FT-03 Diagnosing Gnarly Intermittent Faults–  Gary Smith | DiagNation

5:00 – 7:00 pm Evening Reception & Trade Show

Saturday, October 12th

8:00 – 12:00 pm Morning Sessions:

SM-05 Decoding Your Labor Rate Strategies for Shop Owners – Kathleen Callahan | Repair Shop of Tomorrow

SM-06 7 Habits of Highly Successful Service Advisors – Bill Haas | Auto Ignite Management

SM-07 10 Critical Steps to Financial Freedom – Maylan Newton | Educational Seminars Institute

SM-08 Attracting Technicians Through Your Marketing – Caroline Legrand | Shop Marketing Pros

ST-05 Conquering Network Diagnostics – Rich Falco

ST-06 Tactical Diagnostic Series – Scan and Scope -Gerard Tonno

ST-07 Introduction to Keys & Immobilizer Systems -Keith Perkins

ST-08 Pressure Waveform Acquisition and Analysis, From The Inside-Out (8:30am-5:00pm – all-day) – Brandon Steckler

ST-09 Hybrid -EV Class (8:30am-5:00pm – all-day) – Gary Smith & Adam Robertson

12:00 – 2:00 pm Lunch & Trade Show

2:00 – 5:00 pm Afternoon Sessions:

SM-09 Culture Shock Electrifying the Workplace – Sara Fraser, Bill Haas | Auto Ignite Management

SM-010 Confident Selling – Maylan Newton | ESI

SM-011 Building Better Teams – Rick White | 180BIZ

ST-010 Diagnostic Application of Wiring Schematics – Rich Falco

ST-011 BMW 101 – Justin Morgan

ST-012 J2534 Asian Programming Update – Keith Perkins

5:00 – 7:00 pm Evening Reception & Trade Show

*Schedule subject to change