Feb 13, 2023 | NWACA Tire Talk

A partnership with Washington Retail Association (WR) in Olympia offers Northwest Auto Care Alliance members an excellent chance to obtain significant refunds on workers compensation taxes based on a company’s demonstrated safety record.  “We look forward to a strong, resilient partnership with the NWACA and its members” said Washington Retail President and CEO Renee Sunde.

The Washington Retail Association subsidiary, Retail Association Services, Inc. (RS) offers access to a variety of additional services and invites NEACA members to enroll in Washington States Labor & Industries’ Group Retrospective Rating (RETRO) Program.  The Retro program gives companies a chance to earn back a portion of what they pay in workers’ compensation premiums.

The goal is to assist with workers’ compensation claims and to help member cut costs, provide reliable information during the claim adjudication process, and help to prevent injuries before they happen by emphasizing a strong safety culture.  The RETRO program will have a direct impact on your bottom line.

This is a great program and not a new one for tire dealers as we have had NWTDA members taking advantage of the savings for over 20 years.

For more information on this money saving program contact Terry Hopsecger, Director of Business Development at WRA by calling 360-200-6453.